Timely tips to protect your fangs for a
spooktacular Halloween!
If you are wearing braces please avoid any candy that is sticky, hard, or chewy. These can damage brackets & wires and will require an extra appointment if something breaks.
If you are wearing clear aligners you will be happy to know
you can eat anything as long as you take out
your aligners while eating.
Please brush and floss your fangs after you have enjoyed your braces/aligner approved treats!
*Unfortunately, this year due to Covid concerns, we are not holding
our annual Halloween candy buy back.
our annual Halloween candy buy back.
Have a safe & fun Halloween!
Please call or text the office at
630-584-6555 with any questions, concerns,
or to schedule an appointment.
Please call or text the office at
630-584-6555 with any questions, concerns,
or to schedule an appointment.